So Last night was Kari’s Nash’s annual Halloween party. I definitely gotta give her props on the planning. This girl went ALL out this time, here are a few pics of those who showed up.
Chris and I dressed up from the 80’s. I went all out this year, and left no detail untouched. I crimped my hair, I even wore an old New Kids On The Block t-shirt!! Chris had an L.A. Gear jacket, with a vintage D.A.R.E. shirt, and the classis Fanny Pak. But you can see it for yourself….here you have it….the 2 year reigning “Best Costume” Champions…..
There was tons of food, and everyone MORE THAN FILLED their empty stomachs! We had a Sausage Tortellini Soup, bread, Dessert, and a yummy witches brew punch….with Dry ice… It really did look awesome!
After Dinner, Kari had planned for a her “Nash Monster Mash”. Which basically was a variety of different games that each group had to complete.
Some of the games were racing up the street and then chugging a can of soda. I did the… eat 5 saltine crackers and then blow a bubble with gum. (Which I won by the way….but let me tell you, shoving 5 saltine crackers in your mouth and trying to swallow th em is NO EASY TASK!!! I also participated in the mumy wrap, and Wendie had to wrap me in toilet paper….we did NOT win that round…..
Another game was to find the worm in a mound of spaghetti…..using only your MOUTH…..GROSS!!!! I was SOOO glad that I did not have to do that one. The smell of the spaghetti was nasty, I think it was the parmesan cheese that we could smell. ANYWAY, it definitely was a good laugh though. Poor Shannara had to do it…..you have to see her before and after to get the full affect.
This was a great party, and it was evident all the time and thought that went into every aspect of the evening. I’m so glad that we have such good, fun, friends!! It’s really great to see people at their best, and having fun with their spouses. The only down side, is that I think next year people are going to raise the bar on the halloween costumes so they can strip us of our 2 year Winning streak!! Chris and I are already planning next year’s costumes. We are committed to becoming the 3 Year Reigning Champions of “Best Costume”!! Happy Halloween, and look for us next year!!!
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