Saturday, December 5, 2009

Photos of Cookie Exchanges

Here are photos of some FANTASTIC cookie exchanges. These ladies cookie exchange parties are full of appetizers, treats and games.
Find out what guests are bringing before hand so that you can make cards for each tray to identify the cookies and who brought them.

Some hostesses prefer to have all cookies prepackaged for the number of guests. If you are having an appetizer bar then have guests package all cookies into packs of 6. Six cookies should fit well in small cookie boxes, tins, ceramic containers, decorative bags or plates. Give an award for the most creative cookie packaging. (as well as an award for most attractive or festive cookie and best tasting cookie) With many who have allergies these days the prepackaged cookies can be a good option to prevent cookie from mixing.

If you are having appetizers for snacks make that table as attractive as the Cookie Exchange area. Include Christmas decor, some plate racks as towers for your finger foods and find a spot for a punch bowl or a bucket of cold sodas.

This is one awesome appetizer station!!!

Now... aren't you inspired to try it?

1 comment:

LittleRed said...

My neighbourhood has been talking about having a cookie exchange for two years now. Unfortunately with the H1N1 scare around the holidays,this past Christmas did not appeal to everyone....Maybe next year!