Dinner Club
Objective: To surround ourselves with friends, try new restaurants, have fun, and enjoy adult
Objective: To surround ourselves with friends, try new restaurants, have fun, and enjoy adult
1. Organization:
• We will meet the 4th Saturday of every month. (Except December.)
• At least two couples will rotate into a different group each month.
• Each couple will host at least two dinner clubs each year.
• No children. However infants are welcome.
• Please no restaurants with the majority of entrées over $25/person unless agreed
upon by the group.
2. Chair Couple Responsibilities
• Remind the Host Couple’s it’s their month to organize the club.
• Organize the rotating schedule.
• Pass out surveys.
3. Host Couple Responsibility:
• Select the restaurant and/or activity for that month. (Anything goes: game night,
dinner out, dessert, etc. Please no movies.)
• The assigned host couple is responsible for sending out an invitation to each member
of the club two weeks prior and send an e-mail reminder a couple days before.
• Make sure the restaurant has the capacity for our group and make a reservation if
• If the majority of one group cannot attend the dinner, the hosts can invite a guest
couple or call the other group to see if they can join them.
4. Couple Responsibility:
• Get a babysitter.
• Each couple should RSVP to their host couple at least a week in advance.
• If an emergency comes up, call the host couple as soon as possible. This eliminates
people from waiting on you at the restaurant and holding up dinner.
• Each couple should have a great attitude and be willing to try new restaurants, foods,
and activities.
• The participating couples do not need to worry about getting a substitute couple if
they are unable to attend.
5. Likes and Dislikes: A survey of likes, dislikes and theme meal preferences will be gathered
from each member.
Dinner Club Agenda:
1. Name of Club _____________________________________________
2. Set regular date in advance: ____________________________________
3. Do we want to rotate two couples each month?
4. Do we want to get a substitute if we can’t make it?
5. Do we want to limit any activities such as a movie?
6. Sign up as hosts then rotate schedule.
7. Survey.
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